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[this is good] Nice review. I run a different SIP provider on the N95 so I have a real local landline number to be called in on. Costs are about 2 cent per minute for most countries of the Western civilization ;-) I have set searching for the wireless lan to every 10 minutes. This reduces powerconsumption because of wifi-scanning sufficient that I can't see a bar dropping during a full day if the phone is not used for other activities. Note that if you are calling international numbers over 3G it is most likely cheaper than calling throught the cellphone company's link  ;-)

I had some trouble with SIP, including Truphone,  through my firewall but configuring Fring for Truphone solved it . Fring can tunnel through most firewalls.
And once Fring connected, I could switch to the N95's SIP.

Fring tends to close during heavy memory usage and SIP does not. It keeps on going as it should. Since I run 80/90% of the time a SIP connection to my provider I noticed my phone needs a reboot or restart once a day.Sometimes it does it on its own. How is yours? Any problems?


No I don't have any connection problems with Truphone. Even not reboot or restart once a day or so. It is just working.
What I have seen is that the N95 is getting very hot while talking via Truphone. (Don't know whether it's the same problem with normal voice calls.)
So I'm anyway using the headset connected to my N95 when calling with Truphone. At the end of an 30 minutes call, the battery is really HOT!
I tried to configure the German SIP provide GMX to get it running with the inbuild SIP client on the N95, without sucess.But I don't care longer because I found Truphone and it just works. And the best I even can call for free! :-)


People can call me on my phone for local costs. Even when I am abroad and are connected to the provider via wifi or 3G. And Fring still supports Skype out to dial out. Besides you can actually configure multiple SIP providers on you phone, but you can not connect to both SIP providers for incoming calls at the same time I think.


I am happy to have Truphone!!
At least I don't need to use password for my IDD :)
I had auto reboot problem(when someone call my Truphone  Number).
I solve it by hard reset (Truphone give me solution after I hard reset...my mobile phone.., you know...I cannot wait for it ..I need to use Truphone haa)


[this is good] Seems your Nokia is more stable than mine. The scandanavian productcodes probabely get better beta-tested. Darn those finnish developers, I guess they spent more time with their phones than playing icehockey ;-) 


can i use the VOIP For my unlocked Nokia N 95 8gb model.

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