Some people requested an updated version of my "How to create an OpenVPN connection" guide.
This example here and the screenshots are done on a Ubuntu 9.10 installation of Linux.
Also this example is based on the OpenVPN configuration / settings of Ivacy.
As described in my previous version, which was based on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, also in this installation you need to have the following packages installed on your computer, which you easily can install via the Synaptic Package Manager.
Or you as an alternative you download all files packed in a zip-file from my homepage.
Extract those files in a new folder on your /home/user map. We need them later during the configuration.
If you have installed the 3 packages written above, right click on your Gnome-Network manager and select:
→ Configure VPN...
Create a new VPN Connection by secting ”Add”.
Select then: ”Connect to: OpenVPN Client”
Now, give the connection a name. I called my one ”Ivacy OpenVPN”.
Enter the following data.
Type: Password with Certificates (TLS)
Username: enter your username you registered you with att
Password: enter your password connected to your username
On the next fields, you have to link to the files you downloaded.
User Certificate: select the file ”Ivacy-client.crt”
CA Certificate: select the file ”Ivacy-ca.crt”
Private Key: select the file ”Ivacy-client.key”
Password Key Password: leave this field blank
The "IPv4 Settings" you just keep untouched. It should be by default set to "Automatic (VPN)".
Click now on "Advanced" to continue to the further settings needed to be adjusted.
In the next "General" view just mark "Use LZO data compression".
Continue to "Security".
Here I had to select "Chipher: BF-CBC" in the previous version of OpenVPN-Network-Manager.
These setting is still working. But I have also seen that it would be enough to just keep both selections on "Default". In this case OpenVPN will automatically use the Chipher needed for the OpenVPN connection to our VPN-Service provider. This was not the case in the previouse version used on Ubuntu 8.04.
So keep the settings either on "Default" or select "Chipher: BF-CBC".
Continue to the window "TLS Authentication".
Here you have to mark "Use additional TLS Authentification".
As Key file you select the file "Ivacy-tls.key" from the files downloaded at the beginning.
Set the Key Direction to "1" and click on OK to save your settings.
Now click on OK to come back to the main VPN Connections Editing menu.
Save all your settings made by clicking "Apply".
If you want to make those VPN-Connection later available for all users on your computer, mark the checkbox "Available to all uses" before clicking on Apply.
Close the Network Configuration window.
Now just left click on your Network Manger in Gnome.
Go to "VPN Connections"
Select "Ivacy OpenVPN" and a small should start blinking over your Network-Connection.
When the OpenVPN connection is established, the Network-Manager will look like this: (if using WiFi Connection)